Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Religion in Saudi Arabia

The major religion in Saudi Arabia is Islam.
Upto 85% of the Muslim population are Sunni and only 10-15% are Shi'ite.
While there are up to 1.2 million believes of other faiths, they are not allowed to openly practice their faith. Coversion to another religion from Islam is punishable by death.
The Saudi Mutaween ( religious police) prohibits the any other religion other than Islam.

                Islam follows a lunar calender and therefore have religious holidays that do not have definite set dates on the regular Gregorian calendar. Their main religous feasts are Eid and Ramadan.
Ramadan is a month of fasting for Muslims where they do not eat or drink all day as long as the Sun is in the sky, once the Sun sets. they have small gatherings in their homes to eat.
The month of fasting ends with Eid, where they have huge celebrations and festitivies.


  1. The religious police sound even worse than the fashion police.

  2. I will let my group mate comment on that.
